
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra has announced the name of their new Music Director and Chief Conductor

Today, it was announced at the press conference of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ENSO) [...]

Concert series 2019/2020 now on sale!

In the 2019/20 season, ENSO presents six series – MAESTRO, CITY LIGHTS, RESONANCE, ROMANTICISM, HARMONY [...]

Two’s company, three’s a crow

The Baltic Symphonic Festival is an annual united celebration between the Baltics states, where this [...]

Gramophone Awards 2018, London. Photos

The distinguished Estonian conductor Neeme Järvi was honoured with Gramophone’s Lifetime Achievement Award. The Choral [...]

Estonia takes centre stage at the 2018 Gramophone Classical Music Awards

In the centenary year of its independence, Estonia stepped into the limelight at the 2018 [...]

81-vuotias Neeme Järvi palasi vihdoin johtamaan Suomeen – ”Meillä on Virossakin suuria säveltäjiä, mutta vain te rakennatte konserttitaloja”

Viron kansallinen sinfoniaorkesteri juhlisti myös maansa itsenäisyyden satavuotisjuhlaa Lahden Sibelius-festivaalilla.

Neeme Järvi vaipui pehmeään Sibelius-meditaatioon

Väliajan jälkeen 81-vuotias mestari oli taas parhaimmillaan Lahden Sibelius-festivaalilla.

The 92nd season of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra focuses on Estonia

In addition to the weekly concerts in the Estonia Concert Hall as well as in [...]

Estonian National Symphony Orchestra Marks 100 Years of Estonian Statehood

This year, Estonia marks its statehood’s 100th anniversary and in relation to this historic occasion, [...]

Reburial ceremony of Estonian national composer Eduard Tubin

On Monday, 18 June 2018 at 1:00 pm a commemorative ceremony of reburial of Eduard [...]

Concert series 2018/19 now on sale!

The 92nd season of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra offers a range of brilliant soloists [...]

ENSO concludes its 91st season with the festival Practical Spirituality curated by Kristjan Järvi

The festival includes pieces from Wagner, Pärt, and Adams, as well as electronic music.


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