Category Archives: News & Reviews
Neeme Järvi and modern orchestral traditions
When one looks back on the career of the still highly active Estonian conductor Neeme Järvi, [...]
Concert series 2017/18 now on sale!
The 91st season of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra offers a range of brilliant soloists [...]
Maestro Neeme Järvi celebrates his 80th birthday with ENSO
Maestro Neeme Järvi’s 80th birthday will be celebrated over three festive concerts: on 6 and [...]
Shadows and energy, ghosts and pomposity at Tallinn’s Estonia Concert Hall
Each year the Estonian Music Days have at their epicentre a large-scale orchestral concert given [...]
25 years of Estonian contemporary music showcased in a stunning orchestra concert
Saturday 7 April 2017 saw two events at Tallinn's concert hall and opera house complex, [...]
ENSO principal conductor and artistic director Neeme Järvi to receive lifetime achievement award
The Government of the Republic of Estonia approved the proposal from the Cultural Awards Committee [...]
Neeme Järvi to continue as ENSO’s principal conductor
Kristjan Hallik, Member of the Board of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, signed a contract [...]
ENSO helping develop future solution for digital sheet music
This week marks the first time ENSO will be testing an innovative solution that promises [...]
ERSO: под знаком 90-летнего юбилея
В пятницу, 9 сентября, в столичном зале «Эстония» концертом, посвященным памяти маэстро Эри Класа, открыл [...]
Concert Series 2016/2017 now on sale!
Sales of series tickets for the upcoming anniversary season of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra [...]
ENSO to debut at Cologne Philharmonic Hall, as part of the music festival “Acht Brücken” (Eight Bridges)
On Thursday 5 May the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra is making its debut performance at [...]