Symphonic Lunch IV: CHRISTMAS CONCERT BY ERSO. Elts and Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Avamäng ooperile „Teatridirektor“
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Viiulikontsert nr 2, 1. osa
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Sümfoonia nr 35 „Haffner“
ERSO and conductor Olari Elts will set the Christmas mood by performing the best hits of classical music. The programme includes the works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The overture to the singspiel The Impresario by W. A. Mozart will be performed, which premiered in 1786 with the Italian comic short opera by Antonio Salieri. Interestingly, the latter was more popular at the time. ERSO and Elts will also perform Symphony No. 35 by W. A. Mozart, which is considered the first truly mature symphony by the composer in which he achieved symphonic integrity.
Hans Christian Aavik, a young and prominent violinist who won the first prize at the prestigious Carl Nielsen Competition in Denmark this spring, will solo in Violin Concerto No. 2 by W. A. Mozart. Aavik has been studying in Frankfurt, Germany since 2017 (Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main) and has been studying in Vienna, Austria since 2021 (Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien). Hans Christian Aavik plays on a Giovanni Paolo Maggini violin (made in about 1610 in Brescia, Italy) and a bow made by Victor Fétique (made in about 1930 in France) with the permission of the Estonian Foundation of Musical Instruments and the Sapožnin family.
Concert organiser ERSO