Symphonic Lunch II: ERSO AND VOLMER

13.10.22 at 13:00 - Estonia Concert Hall
Eduard Tubin, Johannes Brahms
Eesti Riiklik Sümfooniaorkester, Dirigent ARVO VOLMER
Eduard Tubin
Symphony No. 11 ~10’
Johannes Brahms
Symphony No. 2 ~45’
Arvo Volmer, the former principal conductor of ERSO, will perform with ERSO Symphony No. 11, the last (unfinished) symphony by Tubin, and Symphony No. 2 by Brahms. Arvo Volmer has been working with ERSO for years. They first performed together at the end of 1987 when the young conductor was still studying at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. In 1993, Volmer became the principal conductor of ERSO, focusing on the performance and recording of the symphonic music by Eduard Tubin. The concert programme includes Symphony No. 11, which ERSO has only performed with Volmer in 1988, 1990, 1996, and most recently in 2002.
Concert organiser ERSO