Meelis Vind
MEELIS VIND clarinet, bass clarinet
ENSO member from 1986
Clarinettist, jazz musician and composer Meelis Vind began his music studies in clarinet with Harli Maanus and trumpet with Jaan Linde at Kiviõli Music School. In 1983, Vind graduated from Tallinn Music High School in Hans Suurväli clarinet class and in 1983–1987 continued his studies at Leningrad Conservatory under the supervision of Pavel Suhkanov. In 1992, Vind graduated from Estonian Academy of Music in clarinet with Hannes Altrov.
In 1987, Meelis Vind was awarded the second prize at the Estonian National Competition for Woodwind Players.
Since 1987, Vind works as orchestral musician in Estonian National Symhony Orchestra and since 2008, teaches clarinet and saxophone in rhythm music department of Georg Ots Music School. He has also been clarinet teacher in Nõmme Music School (2004–2010).
Meelis Vind is also active chamber musician, focusing above all on contemporary music performance. He has participated in several projects of new music, including new music ensemble NYYD Ensemble and in 2004–2008 he was the member of contemporary music ensemble Ensemble U:.
Meelis Vind has premiered new Estonian clarinet music, like Pille Kangur’s Searching for a Songfor bass clarinet (2008), Mirjam Tally’s The Rowan Sea for bass clarinet (2001) and Helena Tulve’s Passage Secret for two clarinets (1999, with Tarmo Pajusaar) and participated in several premiere performances of Estonian new chamber music, like composers René Eespere, Lepo Sumera and Helena Tulve.
Meelis Vind as jazz musician is self-taught, although he considers his friend and long term cooperation partner guitarist Ants Laigi his teacher.
Since 1996, Vind is a member of Raivo Tafenau Quintet and Duo Tafenau-Vind (album „Two Minds – Two Lines“ 2013) and he has played in Estonian Dream Big Band since its founding in 1998. He has also performed with different groups with almost all outstanding Estonian jazz musicians, like percussionist Tanel Ruben, instrumentalists Riho Sibul, Raul Sööt, Raul Vaigla, Virgo Sillamaa and vocalist Kadri Voorand and cooperated with singer Tõnis Mägi, ensemble Lippajad and American hip-hop and beatboxer Napoleon Maddox.
Meelis Vind has also himself founded several ensembles and composed music for them – Vind Project (author CD „Twilght Patterns“ 2006), VindPower (album „WindPower“ 2012), Vind Project 2 and Vind Project 3 (author CD „Liivamandala“ 2013). He has appeared at jazz festivals both in Estonia and abroad and collaborated with international names in jazz, like Markus Ketola (percussion, Finland) and Kálmán Oláh (piano, Hungary). Vind has also practised free improvisation.
In 2014, Meelis Vind was awarded the Danske Jazz Award for intensive and creative activity as jazz musician.
© EMIC 2015