ERSO kodu
Selles Tallinna südalinnas asuvas neoklassitsistlikus hoones (arhitektid Armas Lindgren ja Wivi Lönn, 1913; rekonstrueeritud 1947) toimuvad Eesti vabariigi kõige pidulikumad esindusüritused
Liikumispuudega inimestel on võimalik auto parkida mugavalt teatrimaja kõrvale G. Otsa tänava poole, kus on otse maja kõrval kaks parkimiskohta. Estonia kontserdisaali kassa juurde viib kaldtee.
Vaegnägijatele ja pimedatele on abiks kombitavad abivahendid, näiteks punktkirjas liftisildid. Liftid on varustatud ka häälteavitusega.
Estonia kontserdisaali pääseb ratastooliga Rahvusooper Estonia Valge saali kaudu.
Palume oma tulekust ette teatada telefonil:
Telefon: (+372) 614 7771Estonia kontserdisaalil puudub külastajate parkla. Lähimad parklad asuvad Viru keskuses ja Solarise keskuses. Tallinna südalinnas on ööpäevaringne tasuline parkimine.
Piletiostjatele on Tammsaare pargi poolse parkla juures ettenähtud kaks parkimiskohta, kus võib parkimiskellaga peatuda 15 minutit. Lähim jalgrattaparkla asub Solaris keskuse ees.
Lisainfot parkimise kohta Tallinna tänavatel vt: kontsertidele soovitame tulla ühistranspordiga. Bussi- ja trammipeatused asuvad Estonia kontserdisaali ees (peatuse nimi Estonia) ja taga (Peatuse nimi Viru).
ERSO kontsertidel on tavaliselt üks umbes 20-minutiline vaheaeg.
ERSO kontsertidele on võimalik vaheajatellimusi esitada hiljemalt 24 tundi enne kontserdi algust. Esitage oma tellimus siin:
The Estonia concert hall has two bars open during the concert on either side of the hall and a cafe downstairs. All of these venues are open 1 hour before the concert, and during interval. They are closed at the conclusion of the concert.
There are many excellent cafes and restaurants around the historic Estonia Concert Hall. most are in walking distance. We suggest google maps to discover places to eat before and after your concert.
We suggest you dress semi-formal to the concert. There is no need to wear a suit if you do not wish to.
Concert programs are available at the concert for purchase at €3 each. However you can view the program for free online by visiting the ERSO website or scanning the QR code at the concert. The program will be available on the website the day of the concert and remain on the site afterwards.
Estonia Concert Hall – our main stage concert in Tallinn
MUBA – used for ERSOs Chamber Music series
AUDIOSPA – different uncongenial venues for classical music in Tallinn
In Estonia – the Orchestra travel to different cities in Estonia to perform.
Globally – when on tour the orchestra performs in some of the great concert halls around the world
The doors to the Estonia Concert Hall open 1 hour prior to the concert starting. We suggest you come early and enjoy a drink in the beautiful building.
If you are unable to make it to the concert (insert policy here please Anita)
Photography is encouraged before the concert and during the applause. We kindly ask that no filming or flash photography is used.
Children are welcome to attend the concerts, but we ask that you consider your child’s age and ability to sit trough a 2 hour concert
The cloak room is available before each concert and opens 1 hour prior to the concert.
There is a small amount of merchandise available for sale at the concerts along with concert programs,
Smoking is prohibited in the Estonia Concert Hall.