The New Year’s concert of Rémy Martin and Concert Estonia

01.01.24 at 18:00 - Estonia Concert Hall
The festive New Year concert by Rémy Martin and Concert Estonia is inspired by France, and especially by the milieu and atmosphere of Paris.
Conductor Kaspar Mänd: Paris is a diverse and bubbling city in which glamour, elegance, long traditions, and the most striking fashion statements exist side-by-side. Perfumed scents and musty smells, mixed with scents from the local bakery, the odours generated by the traffic, and other smells from… well, you-know-what. The same applies to the city’s art, music, and fashion. Our programme includes some amended new tunes alongside traditional music: Paris has largely been the engine of new music. Its synthesis of other mediums and various unusual instruments has led composers into a search for different tuneful shades.
In cooperation with Eesti Kontsert