AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT. Lightness and Darkness

28.02.25 at 18:00 - Estonia kontserdisaal (eelkontsert)
28.02.25 at 19:00 - Estonia Concert Hall
Jean-Féry Rebel, Georg Friedrich Händel, Joseph Martin Kraus, Joseph Haydn


The series is sponsored by Nordaid

Jean-Féry Rebel
Excerpts from the cycle Les Élémens

Georg Friedrich Händel
Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351

Joseph Martin Kraus
Symphonie funèbre in honour of Gustav III

Joseph Haydn
Symphony No. 100 in G major, Hob. I/100

In February, conductor Reinhard Goebel and ERSO will introduce a cross-section of the musical heritage of the eighteenth century. Goebel is a German conductor and violinist, a living legend of early music. The title of the concert is a reference to the period of enlightenment – the revolution in thought that took place in Europe in the eighteenth century. Therefore, the playlist of the concert also reflects the battle between light and darkness.

The concert opens with French composer Jean-Féry Rebel’s Chaos from the Elements cycle, whose use of dissonance had a revolutionary meaning at the time. Georg Friedrich Händel will be represented by his Music for the Royal Fireworks, which was dedicated to the end of the War of the Austrian Succession in 1749. For the first time ever, ERSO will be playing a piece by Joseph Martin Kraus. The orchestra will perform the composer’ music for the funeral of King Gustav III of Sweden. The concert ends with Symphony No. 100 by Joseph Haydn. It is one of the twelve London symphonies of the composer, also known under the name Military.

Concert organiser ERSO