
Järvi, Estonians bring a pure Northern beauty to White Light Festival

What makes music beautiful? Is there anything fundamental and consistent to that beauty?

White Nights at White Light. The Estonian National Symphonic Orchestra at Lincoln Center

Estonian conductor Neeme Järvi is of the old school, and not just because the conductor [...]

Estonian Master, Through Lens of Compatriots. Arvo Pärt Works in Lincoln Center White Light Festival

If any artist is emblematic of the spirit manifest in Lincoln Center’sWhite Light Festival, it [...]

ERSO, EFK ja maestro Neeme Järvi – Eesti saadikud New Yorgis

Neeme Järvi: “Pole kahtlust, et ERSO kuulub maailmaklassi. Täna esineme New Yorgi südames – New [...]

Otse Ameerikast I

Eesti Riiklik Sümfooniaorkester tuuritab Ühendriikides. Neli kontserti Californias olid väga edukad. 15 kontserti kolme nädala [...]

The Estonian National Symphony Orchestra at the Granada Theatre

A spirit of Estonian economy and etiquette seemed to preside in the Granada Theatre last [...]

Colossal and Intimate: Estonian National Symphony Orchestra at Stanford’s Bing Hall

While it may be dangerous or overly sentimental to resort to superlatives, the appearance Saturday, [...]

Estonian symphony moves mountains of sound

/.../ Nor was even that enough resonance for these Estonians. When Järvi acknowledged the audience's [...]

Estonian Power in Bing Hall

Stanford Live welcomed on Saturday the first guest professional orchestra to play a full concert [...]

Tulge New Yorgist võitjana!

ERSO kontserti "Tallinn -> New York" analüüsib Toomas Velmet.

Lilje juhatab Tubina sümfooniaid

Ilmunud on DVD kahe Eduard Tubin sümfoonia salvestusega, esitajateks ERSO ja dirigent Peeter Lilje.

Kaks tonni ERSO pille lendab USAsse kontrabassimängija tehtud kastides

«See on äärmiselt nõudlik ettevõtmine. Esinemisgraafik on tihe ja vahemaad väga suured. See on nagu [...]


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